Folke Köbberling deals with the urban environment and its transience as a reflection of general social processes. In spatial and sculptural site-specific interventions, she addresses issues about public space, grassroots participation and self-organization, the market economy, mobility, housing, sustainability, and resource scarcity, all of which have inherent potential for social conflict. As forms of resistance against our appropriation by the excesses of the prevailing neoliberal economic order, individualized automotive transport as a hegemonic leading culture she comments with her artistic means, developing intervention models for urban space, thereby calling into question the conventional handling of urban architecture in a subtle, and often humorous way.
Folke Köbberling beschäftigt sich mit der städtebaulichen Umgebung und ihrer Vergänglichkeit als Spiegelbild allgemeiner gesellschaftlicher Prozesse. In mal skulpturalen Installationen, mal ortsspezifischen Interventionen setzt sie sich mit Themen in Bezug auf den öffentlichen Raum auseinander wie Basisbeteiligung und Selbstorganisation, Mobilität und Unterkunft, Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcenknappheit. Mit künstlerischen Mitteln schafft sie Modelle für den Widerstand gegen unsere Vereinnahmung durch die Auswüchse der herrschenden neoliberalen Wirtschaftsordnung, protestiert gegen den automobilen Individualverkehr als hegemoniale Leitkultur und kommentiert unseren gewohnten Umgang mit städtischer Architektur auf subtile, oft humorvolle Weise. |
Mash & Heal
Munich will be the setting for an installation by Berlin-based artist Folke Köbberling. The project addresses themes of mobility and urban sealing challenges. Mash & Heal aims to deconstruct the symbol of urban mobility while raising awareness of environmental and climate protection. For the art installation Mash & Heal, Folke Köbberling will place three large-scale replicas of SUVs, at three inner-city locations frequented by many citizens on a daily basis. These SUVs are made of compostable, renewable raw materials such as wool, wood, soil, seeds, and clay, and will decompose over twelve months. During this material metamorphosis, they will slowly transform into “healing beings,” with the wool stabilizing the soil and the plants breaking down the surface. After a year, a desealing performance will take place, where volunteers will escort the now-composted SUVs in a procession reminiscent of Bavarian Good Friday or Corpus Christi processions to a collectively de-sealed area. The route will be closed to car traffic specifically for this procession. The procession symbolizes the pseudo-religious worship of cars and ironically mimics it. The process—from the decomposition of the SUVs to the de-sealing and the procession—will be documented. The project aims to spark a discussion on the use of public spaces, the impacts of sealing, and the future design of urban mobility. Through creative engagement with mobility and environmental themes in the form of ever-changing sculptures, Köbberling hopes to contribute to a more sustainable and livable city with Mash & Heal. ![]() In Gedenken an Martin Kaltwasser, einen unermüdlichen Menschen, meinen ehemaligen Partner im Leben und in der Arbeit, der am 29.10.22 beim Laufen im Tiergarten zusammenbrach und am 30.10.22 in der Charité verstorben ist.
Martin hat mit 39 Jahren angefangen zu laufen. Von Null auf Hundert. Er war nicht so jemand den man als sportlich bezeichnen würde. In seiner Jugend war er in keinem Sportverein. mehr ![]() Click here to edit.