Folke Köbberling
Turn it back! 2021 Performance with installation compostable paving stones Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum/Return With Turn it back! Folke Köbberling draws attention to the, at times, devastating consequences of recent urban densification for nature and biodiversity. The work references an art project developed by Folke Köbberling together with Martin Kaltwasser for the Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum in 2007. At that time, the two artists climbed down a staircase to be at eye level with the overgrowing flora. Today, due to the sealing of the soil, there is no more room for wild plants to thrive here. In a ritual act, the artist therefore scatters the seeds of the former plants from a mobile staircase onto the paving stones of the surrounding parking lots and the cars parked there, while reading out their Latin names. Köbberling adds a pile of compostable “stones” to the paving stones. When it rains, Köbberling's “stones” begin to sprout, creating a biotope of wild plants. This way, the artist returns a small free space to original vegetation in the densely built-up inner city. |