Jellyfish Theatre 2010 Marlborough Playground, Union Street, Southwark, London (UK) A temporary theatre made of junk for the Oikos Theatre Festival and the London Festival of Architecture 2010 in cooperation with The Red Room Theatre Company and The Architecture Foundation Koebberling & Kaltwasser have worked alongside volunteers to create The Jellyfish Theatre, London’s first fully-functioning theatre made entirely from recycled and reclaimed materials. Focussing on energy-efficiency, co-operation and human-scale construction, The Jellyfish Theatre was showcased as part of the London Festival of Architecture in July and will open to the public at the end of August. A temporary structure, The Jellyfish Theatre will be made of materials from all sources: junked theatre sets, reclaimed timber from building sites, Covent Garden market pallets, old kitchen units that the public bring along.
What the Press has said about the theatre:
“Imagine Noah’s ark sitting in a school playground in London and you get some idea of what Britain’s first recycled theatre looks like. One end resembles a ship’s stern, the other a prow made of discarded doors and chairs. I can’t improve on what the Guardian’s Jonathan Glancey called The Jellyfish Theatre: junkitecture. And I can only echo his praise for the capacity of the Berlin architects, Kobberling and Kaltwasser, to make imaginative use of everyday materials, including timber pallets. The building, which will be dismantled in early October, is a disposable triumph.” Michael Billington in The Guardian “It looks fantastic – rather graceful in its idiosyncratic way. It sits in a school playground not far from London Bridge like a resting spaceship from a particularly right-on planet. It is a low structure, clad in a jaunty patchwork of wooden panels, extended fore and aft by pallets and planks that give it the rough shape of a boat (a junk, perhaps) and festooned with decorated water bottles.” Sarah Hemming in The Financial Times